This is for practices that currently have or want to add in cash based profits…
Use This Profitable Device Featured On The Hit Show
The Biggest Loser To Make An Additional $13,255 Year
After Year With No Effort Even If You Don’t Know How
To Advertise Or Sell.
You are about to learn how one easy to use small instrument will bring in much needed cash
and a stream of clients willing to hand you money right now for their weight loss needs.
Why should a practice owner like yourself dealing with declining reimbursement and increased regulation consider a device that will give you significantly more cash based revenues?
How would you invest an extra $1220 a month in profits from cash?
Before we get to that, let’s talk about your practice.
Let’s think about what is happening to your practice right now.
Insurance payments continue to decline at a steady and consistent pace.
Physician owned practices are popping up everywhere and those struggling physicians are only sending their patient to their own clinics in an attempt to grow their revenues!
The result of these two uncontrollable forces have led to practice owners like you having to do more and more for less and less money
When was the last time you took a few weeks off for vacation and not thought about your practice?
Well it’s time to take back control of your clinic and realize that there is an ocean of opportunity to generate cash now.
What can taking action to add more cash based services do for your practice?
- Cash comes in immediately. In fact you can have cash now for future services rendered (something you can’t do with insurance based services).
- You can reward others to send you cash based clients with a profitable rewards program (something you can’t do with insurance based services).
- You can charge what you want and discount how you want (something you can’t do with insurance based services).
Basically you can take back control of your practice with the right cash based services.
And the most profitable of all cash based services is in fitness and wellness.
However with so many gimmicks and unproven products and devices out there you have to be careful in selecting which one to use to grow your cash based services. It’s your reputation on the line! You want something proven, something evidence based, and something effective.
This is where the BodyGem comes in.
This device is perfect for one of two types of practice owners:
If you already have fitness services serving the weight loss niche, then this device will increase retention by getting your clients better results (so your clients get better results and stay longer).
If you don’t currently offer fitness services, then this is the perfect opportunity to launch one (read more to learn why and how).
This device is well known in the fat loss industry and has no competitors! Imagine if you were the only practice doing what you do in your area! What would it be like to have little or no competitors! Well the BodyGem is the only device that can measure someone’s metabolic rate so they know exactly how many calories they need to lose or gain weight. It’s the only device that is evidence based and proven to be accurate and valid through independent testing.
Anyone in your area that is looking to lose weight would love to have this measurement done. Why? Because it takes the guess work out of weight loss and guarantees success. The only variable is tracking calories and the makers of BodyGem have software to help your clients do that too. Besides, there are dozens of apps now that help people track everything including calories. So it’s never been easier to implement a science based way to lose weight.
By measuring the metabolic rate for weight loss, you provide your clients with an evidence based way to lose weight consistently. When clients lose weight consistently, they stay longer as a client and generate more revenues for you. Their success also makes them refer more clients to your facility for even more revenues!
When You Bring In The BodyGem To Give Your Clients Better Results, You:
- Get More Word Of Mouth Referrals (increase number of clients)
- Get Clients To Stay Longer (increases total spending)
- Get Clients To Pay Additional Fees For The Measurements (increases spending frequency)
There are only three ways to generate more revenues for any business. You can either increase spending frequency, increase total spending, or increase number of new customers. The BodyGem gives your practice the exact tool to accomplish all three ways to grow your revenues.
So how do you easily implement the BodyGem into your practice?
It’s simple. The machine is easy to use and you or your staff only have to do 3 simple steps:
- Attach a disposable mouth piece to the device
- Give the client a nose clip to put on
- Push one button and give it to the client to breath into for 5 up to 10 minutes
- Then record the measurement
In 5 to 10 minutes you can generate between $40-$80 in profit. That’s about $240 to $480 in profit per hour.
Once you get the BodyGem you can use it right away to generate cash from day one. I’ll explain how to do this in a minute.

First, imagine this.
You are sitting at your desk in your practice. You turn on your computer and open up your email. There you notice something. Something that catches your eye and doesn’t look like spam.
The subject line reads “thank you so much”.
You open the email and you start reading. It’s from one of your clients in your practice. She took the time to thank YOU for putting together a program that finally helped her feel good about herself. Her struggles with weight loss went on for years until she found your science based approach and lost the weight she couldn’t lose using fad diets.
I know you started your practice with the main intention of helping people. All the money and reimbursement concerns are just a “side effect” of this.
Imagine taking back control and growing your practice on your terms and helping people the way you want. Not bound by insurance paperwork. Not bound by the generosity of referral sources.
Imagine actually seeing more and more profits instead of just more and more work for less and less profits. With the use of the right tool and the right systems your practice will thrive even more and be known as the premier place for people to go for all the health and wellness needs in your community. Having health and wellness in a practice is the future of the medical profession.
The BodyGem is the perfect tool to do this for you. It fulfills the need to be evidence based and the desire to truly help people change lives effectively and easily.
How will the BodyGem grow your practice easily?
First, it’s the only device that has been proven through third party validation to be effective and accurate in measuring someone’s metabolic rate. The services and products you decide to bring into your practice reflects your reputation. You will feel assured that you are offering the best solution to your client’s weight loss need by providing the only product proven to deliver the right data your clients need to understand their metabolism and your staff needs to give the right weight loss program.
Only with the right data can you make an accurate plan to help your clients achieve their goal weight, get amazing results, and refer you more clients.
We don’t just give you the device to use. We give you complete marketing support to help you get more clients automatically. You get “done for you” marketing materials you simply need to copy and paste to drive new clients into your practice.
You get:
- Pre written emails to simply copy, paste and send to get more clients (you get more revenues immediately)
- Brochures to sell the measurement (makes selling effortless)
- Training materials so your staff knows how to use device and sell the service (we do the training so implementation takes no additional work on your end. You make more profits without additional time spent!)

How effective is the Bodygem at generating more cash revenues and helping practice owners take back control over their business?
Take a look at some of the case studies and testimonials
Clinic/Organization name: Massachusetts General Hospital
Department (if applicable): MGH Weight Center
How long have you been using the MedGem? 10 plus years
We perform a Med Gem test on mostly all of our patients. We are a weight loss center and it is crucial to the dietitians to know what the caloric intake should be for each patient.
”- ”Administrative
Clinic/Organization name: Intermountain Healthcare
Department (if applicable): LiVe Well Center
How long have you been using the MedGem? ___2 years_____
We have enjoyed using the MedGem for the past couple of years. The ease of taking it off campus with us has been a big plus .It also allows for easy storage, is easy to use, is low maintenance and reliable source for testing RMR. It also allows us to test more than one person at a time because we have room to store 2 of them in our area.
”- ”Registered
I have been using the MedGem with patients for the last 5 years. The success my patients are having is amazing. As a dietitian, the MedGem helps me provide patients with accurate meal plans to promote weight loss. I highly recommend this tool for all weight loss professionals.
”- ”Dietitian/
I began using the MedGem while working my previous job. I loved it so much that in 2010 when I opened my private practice, I purchased one. The MedGem is a great asset to my practice because it helps me help my clients achieve the success they want. Whether it be losing weight, gaining weight, or know how many calories are required to support their sport. It takes the guess work out of my job which makes my life easier and my cleints more successful.
1. Profit: we make roughly $63 dollars on private pay patients $36 on insured.
2. Our website is ( still under construction)
”- ”Registered
Clinic/Organization name: Student Health Services – University of South Carolina
Department (if applicable): Campus Wellness
How long have you been using the MedGem? Our dietitians have been using it since 2011 – so 3 years.
Please write a one paragraph testimonial explaining how the MedGem program has improved treatment at your clinic or business:
In talking with our dietitians and reading student comments I know the Med Gem has helped us provide more accurate counseling to students – whether they are athletes needing to talk about adequate nutrition and nutrient timing, other students needing the information to understand how their choices and activities affect their overall health and wellbeing or a staff member needing to understand their metabolic output in order to control a medical condition, such as diabetes. Having the MedGem gives us one more diagnostic tool to use to provide excellent service to our students, faculty and staff.
”- ”Director,
If you want to dramatically increase your cash based profits and take back control over your practice, you will do it by making the decision to incorporate the BodyGem into your services.
We want to make sure you succeed and maximize your return on investment in your decision to purchase a BodyGem unit. That is why we put together a package to make sure you succeed.
This win win package includes.
- The BodyGem device perfectly calibrated to work immediately to generate cash revenues the day you receive it. (value $2799.00)
- Marketing brochures to make selling the service effortless ($300 value)
- Entire training system for your staff so implementation requires no time from you ($997 value)
This package will help you implement the use of the BodyGem in your practice immediately and with almost no extra effort and time from you or your practice manager. It’s like automatically adding profits without additional effort.
However we want to make sure you not only become more profitable, we want you to WOW your clients so they automatically spread the word virally so your word of mouth referrals systematically increase.
As a bonus for buying the BodyGem now, and taking action to make your practice thrive, we will include the following:
Email templates and direct mail pieces you can use to sell the BodyGem to your current and past clients. You simply copy and paste the emails to send out and the clients beg for the service. No emails, no worries. You get direct mail pieces to send out to get previous clients to buy the service. ($1196 value)
Done for you nutrition plan to give your clients, based on their measurement results, that includes shopping list, recipes, and more so they get results fast ($297 value)
The entire package to make the Bodygem your answer to more cash based profits is valued at:
- Device ($2799)
- Marketing Brochures ($300)
- Entire Staff Training program ($997)
- Email and postcard templates ($1196)
- Complete nutrition plan for each client ($297)
Total Value is $5589

There is no other device that will give you the same return on investment where you will at least double your investment in the device year after year. In fact you will get your return on investment back within the first 3 months once you apply our system.
We want to make that promise to you as our guarantee. So to help you make this decision easier, we will cut the price of the entire package by 50%. AND, if you decide right now we will include 21 mouthpieces a ($299 value). In 3 months you will use each mouth piece and based on your pricing (at $80 a measurement), you will have made your investment back.
Unlike other devices that simply improve the effectiveness of your services but doesn’t directly generate more cash (i.e. dry needle tools, Graston tools, lasers, and other modalities), the BodyGem will start to bring in more cash directly from day one. Even better the clients who come in are in need of other cash based services to achieve their weight loss goals. (You sell them other services to make more cash!)
It’s the perfect opportunity to cross sell services like fitness training, nutrition coaching, and calorie tracking devices. The Bodygem brings buyers in the door and it’s up to you to fulfill the need for weight loss guidance to make more revenues.
If you already have fitness training and nutrition set up, the BodyGem will only improve client results and retention by at least 25-100%.
That means will increase your revenues from your current clients by 25-100% because they simply get better results!
Without the BodyGem, you would be stuck giving unscientific advice to your clients looking to lose weight. Those BMR calculators just don’t work for everyone. Because the data is not personalized to the client, they don’t have as much emotional commitment to the weight loss plan. However, with a personalized measurement it creates more “buy in” and accountability towards your program. They get more accurate data, become more accountable, and achieve more success while you make more revenues. It’s a win win decision.
So don’t miss the opportunity to be the premier provider for weight loss and health services in your community.
If no one is offering the Bodygem in your area, then this is a perfect opportunity to establish this service in your clinic and be known as the only proven and scientific weight loss program in your community by using the effective marketing materials we provide.
As a clinic owner you have so much on your plate already. Trying to keep up with the changes in insurance regulation and documentation, putting out fires in your practice, constantly trying to get more patients, and making sure your staff is doing their job can be a little overwhelming.
Let us partner with you can help you establish the perfect bash based system that not only drives immediate cash into your practice, but exponentially grows other cash based services for additional revenues so you take back control of your practice from the insurance companies.
We want you to buy the BodyGem because we know it will help your practice grow with additional cash based revenues. That is why we are offering this 46% sale. However, because we only have so many mouth pieces to give away, we can’t keep this offer forever.
So act now and take action to be the first in your community to offer the most evidence based weight loss program and “corner the market” to maximize your return on investment.
You can click below to buy the entire BodyGem Package for
the discounted rate of $2997.

If you are not satisfied with the device or the package in any way, we will take the device back and refund your money within 30 days.
All you have to do is click on the Buy Now Button before we end our discounted rate and you will get the discount pricing and all the bonuses.
- This package is not for practice owners who do not care about heath of the members in your community
- This is not for practice owners who don’t care about following evidence based services and protocols
- This is not for practice owners who just want to make lot of money at the expense of patients’ well being
- This is not for practice owners who do not want to grow their practice to their full potential and become the premier clinic in the community
This package is not a tip or tool to make a few extra dollars. This system has been proven in thousands of medical clinics to drive additional revenues for practices around the world. Our company has been helping practices do this for the last 10 years. Why, because we know that practices that do not implement a health and wellness component to their business will be left behind as the medical model changes from purely treatment to also include prevention.
If you don’t take action to move your practice in the same direction as the industry and embrace the increased demand for health and wellness services, you will lose more and more patients and clients to your competitors who are embracing the change that is happening right now.
Spending for weight loss and alternative cash based medical services continue to rise and out pace spending for traditional medical costs. Now is the time to capture as much business in your community as possible so you build the credibility and the reputation as the place to go for health and wellness in your community. If you are already known as that facility, then implementing the BodyGem only adds another evidence based cash generating service to your community.
So take action now and implement the BodyGem metabolic measurement service in your practice and stay ahead of the curve and don’t be left behind trying to catch up to your competitors. Just click on the Buy Now button below to start generating more cash and take control back from all the insurance regulations.
You have the power and the responsibility to make the right choices to make sure your practice survives the current insurance reform and thrives in the future. Some of these decision can be tough while other like this one can be very easy.
You get an entire package and a proven system to generate more cash based revenues and profits using the only validated and proven device to accurately measure and determine a person’s metabolic rate. The package provide you with complete done for you materials and everything you need to add an entire cash generating system in your practice with ease.
By Buying Today you Get
- All the staff training in done for you videos
- Marketing materials, sales copy, email templates, etc to sell it effortlessly
- Follow up post measurement nutrition plans to get clients better results
- 42 mouth pieces for 42 measurements so you make your initial investment back immediately
After your bonus 42 mouth pieces, every measurement is profit that helps you grow your practice while you rely less and less on the mercy of the insurance companies.
The practice of the future for savvy owners is one where you dictate your prices, your services, and how you want to run your practice to give you the financial and time freedom you want. If you are one of these savvy practice owners, then we want you to use our package to grow your practice and help the people in your community achieve a healthy weight. Empowering them to feel amazing is the goal. The financial rewards you will get is something you deserve.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions
1. Q: Can any staff member implement the BodyGem?
A: Yes. Any member of your staff can be trained by our training system to take the measurement and then inform the patient or client about the results properly so they are happy with your service.
2. Q: If something goes wrong with the device what happens?
A: We are the only company that offers a 2 YEAR warranty. You can ship it back to us and we will fix it immediately. However many times the errors that happen with the BodyGem is from user error. We provide extensive training videos to minimize that from happening. However if the device does malfunction, we will immediately fix it for you.
3. Q: Does each measurement require a mouth piece?
A: Yes. You can order additional mouth pieces easily from us easily.
4. Q: I really want to implement the system to grow my practice but I do not have the cash right now. Do you offer a payment plan?
A: Yes. When you click on the Buy Now Button, you have the option to pay upfront for the discount or a monthly plan to help you finance the BodyGem.
5. Q: Is there any maintenance or time required to keep the BodyGem machine working?
A: The BodyGem is a extremely compact and high tech piece of medical equipment that was designed to last and be almost maintenance free. You just need to keep it in a dry environment and away from moisture.
6. Q: From working with multiple practices around the world, what is the average price owners like myself have prices the measurement at?
A: We have seen successful pricing anywhere from $40-90 per measurement
7. Q: How long does the BodyGem last before it needs replacement?
A: We still have practice owners using the first initial versions of the BodyGem from 10 years ago without problems. We occasionally need to calibrate the device for you but they are built to last.
So take action now to take advantage of the 50% savings by clicking on the Buy Now button below. We will immediately process your order and send you the BodyGem device along with the rest of the package materials including the files for emails, direct mail, brochures, and training videos for your staff to implement.